Monday, August 15, 2005

According to RED-STATE.COM, the Michael Meckler weblog, the Family Research Council's "Justice Sunday II" was anything but a rousing success, espcially as it came to the nomination of John Roberts for the SCOTUS.

Meckler writes:

The reason why this was so is not hard to fathom. Go-along-to-get-along Washington insiders like Roberts are the antithesis of what "values voters" want in a Supreme Court justice. Despite some public protestations to the opposite, many of these conservatives have the same gut reaction to Roberts' golden-boy career as did Washington Post pundits David Broder and WilliamRaspberry. If Bush had nominated any of the suggested candidates currently serving on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, I guarantee that greater excitement and energy about the nomination would have been on display in Nashville.

The irony behind the Roberts nomination is that it may enervate, not energize religious conservatives. Having worked so hard to get George W. Bush in the White House in order to get onto the Supreme Court heartland conservatives uncorrupted by Washington's perks and privileges, these erstwhile supporters are coming to suspect their efforts were all for naught. If "values voters" decide to sit out the 2006 and 2008 elections because of their dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court appointments coming out of the Bush administration, the Republicans who depend upon their votes may find themselves in serious trouble trying to maintain majorities in Congress and control of the White House.

Could this have an effect here in Ohio? Could that be part of the reason for the results from the 2nd district election last week?

Something to think about.


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