Thursday, August 04, 2005

US News & World Report Columnist Michael Barone has now entered the blogosphere.

He has an interesting take on the special election results from the 2nd District. Though congratulatory handshakes were seen in abundance, so were sweaty, furrowed brows.

But it is bad news for Republicans nonetheless. The reason is that in the present state of polarization of politics, turnout is the key to winning elections. Turnout in 2004 was up 16 percent over 2000—a historic rise. John Kerry got 16 percent more votes than Al Gore, but George W. Bush got 23 percent more votes in 2004 than he did in 2000. That's why the Republican percentage for president rose from 48 to 51 and the Democratic percentage dropped lightly.

The results in the Ohio 2nd go the other way. According to the latest results I have before me, 112,375 people voted in the special election. That's just 34 percent of the 331,104 who voted in the district in 2004. Republican Jean Schmidt's vote total was only 27 percent of Bush's. Democrat Paul Hackett's vote total was 46 percent of Kerry's. Democrats did a better job of turning out their vote.

Bob Bennett can criticize the Democrat Leadership Council for not having any ideas, but it rings hollow when all he has to offer is RINO's with bad ideas.


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