Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Well, on occasion of the GOP establishment nearly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in Ohio's second district, it seemed appropriate to start this blog.

Read here, here, and here.

You can call me a Conservative, but my ideology is not hostage to parties or personalities. One thing for sure, "establishment" Republicans, or RINO (Republicans In Name Only) seem to be more interested in staying in power or feathering their own nests, than doing what's right, or improving things for Ohioans.

I'm not alone in this opinion. Democrat bloggers are pessemistic about their chances because even though in many ways the Republican establishment is inept, the Democrats are even moreso.

Rank and file Republicans in Ohio are in a horrible way, really, because they have to apologize for what the Taft, Bennett, Householder, and the 'Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight' have been doing in Columbus for more than a decade.

The Left media will jump up and down saying that what is happening in places like Columbus, and Cuyahoga and Lorain counties reflects what average Ohio Republicans believe, but I think the establishment is in for a rude awakening.

I find it ironic that what RINO's in Ohio do is about the same as what Hillary is doing these days. The closer they get to an election, the more conservative they become.

The jig's almost up.


Blogger John Palmer said...

I know. The polka dots are kind of a necessary evil. All the other templates are in pretty regular use elsewhere, and since I'm brand new, I'm struggling to overcome my insecurities and dare to be different! (grin)

Thanks for following along.

4:40 PM  

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